It's a new year. A new decade. And I'm sure you've heard the ever popular question - What's your New Year's resolution? I've even been guilty of asking this question because how could you not be curious about all the answers you'll get? While some people may actually make a resolution, I would venture to say that 99.9% of those people forget that resolution after about a month, month and a 1/2. Some even sooner. How would you ever expect to continue to keep up your resolution for an entire year??
So, to answer the resolution question, I say this:
This is not a resolution that you will easily forget, or give up on. I myself was very guilty of sadness, grouchiness, anger, feeling sorry for myself in 2009. But in 2010, let's all do everything we can to be happy (me included). You've heard it before and I'll say it again - Life is Short. In my opinion, happiness is one of the most important aspects of life. It's one of THE things that makes life worth living.
Now, while some (ok most) people may choose that they are going to get in shape in 2010 and that will equal happiness, I say go for it. While it is irritating to have you all in the gym in January and February, if working out makes you feel good, then do it. Then, once you get tired of that do the next thing that makes you happy. Maybe it's dedicating at least one night a week to a night out. Do it. Or, making a phone call to an old friend every Sunday. A great idea. Maybe it's deciding to have family dinners where you all actually sit around the table and talk about your day. Fabulous. Or, making sure you plan date nights with your sig other frequently. Perfect. I say, whatever makes you happy.
Here's the secret to keeping this resolution. If you are not happy, you know it. But the good part is, it's easily fixed. For example, if I'm sitting at home feeling like there's no one in this world who cares about me, I'll call a friend and invite them to drinks, which is easy. If you are feeling down, do something to fix it.
I know something that makes me very happy - food. And for that, I salute Pierre (my food baby).
Happy New Year!!! May 2010 be the best yet. I know that's what I'm going for.
Squad Goals
8 years ago